The source for wholesale
Italian handbags, in Italy
Are you looking for high quality and unique Italian handbags, direct from Italy? Visit the ItalianModa B2B marketplace where you can find many Italian factories, wholesale suppliers and brands of genuine Italian leather handbags.
Italian handbags (including shoulder bags, leather handbags, canvas bags, backpacks, purses, faux leather bags) are the best ones in the world. Designed along classic or innovative trendy styles, they are made in Italy using the best materials. Unique handbags, often real master pieces in leather goods and leather accessories.
The B2B marketplace allows you to find, select and get in touch with a selection of Italian handbag companies, quickly and for free. This is your best tool to find an unprecedented source of quality Italian handbags at the best wholesale prices: purchase direct from the manufacturers and brands, in Italy. This is the best way to increase your sales and boost your profits, saving a lot of time and money in finding Italian wholesale suppliers of fantastic Italian-made leather handbags, purses, briefcases, travel bags, wallets, belts and other awesome leather goods, directly from italy.
Go to the B2B marketplace now!
Visit the new ItalianModa B2B MALL, where you can find hundreds of fantastic Italian handbags made from leather, canvas or faux leather. Purchase them wholesale, quickly and easily, from many tens of selected Italian factories and brands.
Buy handbags wholesale direct from Italy! Click now!
Why the Italian bags are the best in the world?
There are many reasons why the Italian bags are considered to be some of the best in the world. Firstly, the Italians are renowned for their high-quality craftsmanship, and their bags are no exception. Additionally, Italian bags often come in a wide range of styles and colors, so there is sure to be a bag to suit everyone's taste. Finally, Italian bags are often quite expensive, which means that they are often seen as a status symbol.
Watch a short videoclip with a selection of made in Italy handbags (wholesale only) from some of the best Italian manufacturers and brands of leather handbags, purses, clutches, tote and messenger bags, briefcases, and leather goods as a whole.
A list of wholesale online catalogs of superb Italian handbags, directly from the manufacturers in Italy. Registration is required with each catalog.
Images of Italian leather handbags (including faux-leather and canvas bags) : click here
Specialty shops, boutiques, wholesalers, stockists, online shops, fashion companies and designers interested i Italian-made handbags (wholesale or private label only) can enjoy this ultimate wholesale source for the best "made in Italy" handbags, purses, totes, messengers, backpacks, and clutches. Wholesale purchase of Italian handbags for the wholesale buyers coming from these countries:
한국 : 이탈리아어 도매 업체, 공장, 가죽 핸드백과 가죽 제품 "이탈리아에서 만든"의 브랜드를 발견 (:도 참조)
Россия: найти итальянские оптовые поставщики, заводы и бренды "сделано в Италии" кожаные сумки и кожаные изделия (см также:
Polska: znaleźć włoskich dostawców hurtowych, fabryki i marki "made in Italy" torebek skórzanych i wyrobów skórzanych (patrz również:
Suid-Afrika: vind Italiaanse groothandel verskaffers, fabrieke en weet van "made in Italië" leer handsakke en sakke (sien ook:
Nederland: vind Italiaanse groothandel leveranciers, fabrieken en merken van "made in Italy" lederen handtassen en lederwaren (zie ook:
España y América del Sur: encuentran italianas mayoristas proveedores, fábricas y marcas de "made in Italy" bolsos de cuero y artículos de cuero (ver también:
France: trouver italiennes de gros fournisseurs, des usines et des marques de "made in Italy" sacs à main en cuir et articles en cuir (voir aussi:
Deutschland und Österreich: Finden italienischen großhändler, Fabriken und Marken "made in Italy" Handtaschen aus Leder und Lederwaren (siehe auch:
Brasil e Portugal: encontrar italiano atacado fornecedores, fábricas e marcas de "made in Italy" bolsas de couro e artigos de couro (veja também: